
Over the years, our team has been involved in the development of different software solutions especially focused on image processing and analysis, taking profit from trending technologies such as GPU acceleration and Deep Learning.

Deep Vision Analysis

Originally developed by Deep Vision, during the last years Girona Vision Research has taken the lead on the addition of new functionalities, optimizations, and improvements, making the application the ideal tool to explore long underwater imagery surveys acquired with the Deep Vision System.

Among the added and improved functionalities are worth mentioning:

  • Optimized thumbnails visualization based on a smart caching strategy, allowing thousands of images to be fluently browsed

  • Real-time GPU-accelerated color correction of the stereo pairs

  • Automatic discarding of empty images

  • Export of different stereo-pair versions

  • Noisy depth measurements filtering

  • Single-click and fully-automatic fish measurement (experimental)

Deep Vision Analysis Dashboard

Deep Vision Analysis displaying tenths of thousands of images corresponding to a several hours trawl acquired by the Deep Vision System.

Geometric and Photometric Calibration

Precise measurements and visual inspection cannot be achieved without accurate geometric and photometric camera calibration, allowing both, respectively, to rectify the images while removing the distortions induced by the lens, as well as recovering the true colors from the scene.

We have the knowledge and the tools to perform accurate calibration of the stereo camera system featured by the Deep Vision System, enabling an unprecedented distortion-free visualization of the specimen passing in front of the cameras as if they would have been pictured on air.

Calibration software displaying a ChArUco pattern stereo pair before rectification and color correction.

Calibration software displaying a ChArUco pattern stereo pair before rectification and color correction.

Calibration software displaying the same ChArUco pattern stereo pair after rectification and color correction.

Calibration software displaying the same ChArUco pattern stereo pair after rectification and color correction.

FishMeter Link

Still in the context of the Deep Vision ecosystem, despite being out of the computer vision scope, Girona Vision Research has been developing the last upgrades of the FishMeter Link software. This tool is the interface that allows you to convert the measurement readings done by a FishMeter Plus device into entries of a spreadsheet database (such as MS Excel).

Fish Meter Link Tool

FishMeter Link tool.

FishMeter Board

FishMeter Board